Points are scored in four ways: Points will be added to a players score for correctly determining the placement of the hidden balls; points will be subtracted for incorrectly guessed balls; points will be subtracted for EACH marker on the board; and points will be added if all balls are determined correctly within the bonus time period. Points are scored at the end of each game.
Points for each Correct and Incorrect ball location are dependent on the number of balls currently in play:
Balls in Play: 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Correct : +50 +75 +100 +125 +150 +175 +200
Incorrect: -25 -37 -50 -62 -75 -87 -100
Points are subtracted depending on how many markers are on the board. The FIRST marker costs one point and EACH additional marker costs one more than the previous one did.
Example: If there are 10 markers on the board then the total points subtracted are...
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 or 55 points
There is also a bonus score that will be earned if the location of all balls is determined correctly within the bonus time period. The sooner you determine the ball locations the more bonus points you will get. Once the game starts, you will loose one bonus point for each elapsed second (up to the maximum bonus point level) until you make your guess. Once you have exceeded the bonus time period, no bonus points will be earned even if all the ball locations are guessed correctly. The bonus points earned are different depending on the number of balls in play.
The Maximum Bonus score for each level is as follows:
# of Balls 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Max Bonus 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
For example: if you are playing with four balls, you will start out with 200 bonus points. This gives you 200 seconds to find all the balls and still earn bonus points. Every second that ticks by costs you one bonus point. After 200 seconds has elapsed, no bonus points will be earned.
While the game is in progress the Maximum possible score is displayed above the game board. This is the highest score possible at that point in the game if the player accurately determined the location of all the balls. This score will include bonus points.
The Maximum Total score for each level is as follows:
# of Balls 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Max Score 100 225 400 625 900 1225 1600
Bonus 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
----- ----- ----- ----- ----- ----- -----
Total Score 200 375 600 875 1200 1575 2000
Therefore, the more balls that are used in the game the higher the possible score. However, the game becomes harder and the possibility of incorrectly guessing a balls location increases.